
Tag: evolution

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Happy birthday Darwin!

The story February 12th is Darwin Day, the day we celebrate Charles Darwin and his great achievement of proposing the theory of natural selection by evolution. 

What’s in a (binomial) name?

The story The Sunda cloud leopard (Neofelis diardi) which lives in the forests of Indonesian islands was only named as a new species (distinct from the Neofelis nebulosa clouded leopard that lives on the Asian mainland) in 2007. Now it has been confirmed that it exists as two sub species – one living on the […]

Big beaks help cool birds down

The story: Two scientists have collaborated in a study that suggests that the size of a bird’s beak is linked to the temperature of its natural environment. We already know that a bird’s beak is adapted for the food it eats and sometimes to attract a mate, but now it looks like it is also […]

Dance the Dodo!

My award for best new TV advert has to go to the dancing Five Alive dodo. As soon as I saw it, my brain started whirring as I tried to think of some way of using it in a science lesson (this kind of thing happens to me a lot).